Originally Posted by santod
Yeah, it cracked me up! I still need to tweak it a little, but the Call History part is perfect!
It doesn't break landscape at all, it just moved my links over slightly to the left, cause I tried to add my 20. Anyway, the links are a whole other beast anyway. I just wanted to make some together, as seperately they tend to break one another. That way I don't put up a cab and then anyone with extra links can't use it or has to choose. But it should be no problem with the standard 9!!!
I will be fixing it to work just right with the links. At the same time I'll fix the 20 to move down a hair!
Goes to check Photobucket again!!
i need this stat!, well actually i would like an active call history/missed call button, disappears when no missed calls, but appears when 1 or 2 or * missed calls