Originally Posted by bignadad
okay, i reflashed energyROM back and it seems to be loading....will the new radio stick?
Any radio flash will stick until you either flash a new radio or flash a stock ROM w/ an included radio.
EDIT: okay i got phone to come back by reflashing ROM... any idea's why this happened?
At what point did your security unlock fail? You were already HardSPL'd? I'm guessing flashing Oli's temporary 2.05.00 radio (Step 2) is where you got stuck, right? Try to be more specific when giving feedback to a developer...he can't read your mind and nobody else can really answer your questions...
Just checked my radio after having to flash and radio shows version 1.88.07WV
this is not right, is it?
It is if you reflashed the original stock VZW WM 6.1 package, as it contains that radio version.
Just try to security unlock again and if that succeeds flash this radio...good luck