For the Samsung SCH-i760 that I'm using the Equinoxe Wizard Retouched 2 dialer skin seems to be working in the manner as the old Touch. It appears so far that your TDial Designer program will successfully create skins for this dialer.
I have 2 questions (and please excuse me for not knowing what the proper names for the skin parts are).
In the box to the left of the Clear button and the History button, the text appears as follows:
Last Call:
Contact, Name
(666) 666-666
The "Last Call:" text is one color (black)
The "Contact, Name" and phone number are a different color (white)
I believe a reply on page 16 of this thread lists the registry keys to change for changing the color of the "Contact, Name" and phone number text.
Can someone tell me what the registry keys are that need to be changed for changing the color of the "Last Call:" text?
And the keys for changing the text colors in the Smart Dialer window also?
Thank you very much!