Originally Posted by clueless25
I used the valkyrie cab till this weekend to send.. I will figure this out. lol im almost home as I have just 1 switch left to find.
long as the valk is installed i can use multimedia msging. I'm trying to accomplish this without the use of any dissabling cab and created a complete reg cab for it.
I did put the 6.5 stock on when it came out. I should have copied the reg files to see what was going where which If im snowed in again sat i just might. I did however come across a gsm setting with *99* or was it 3 9's. anyway i wrote it down. the gsm on stock, you do not have any info for username & password entered as it's embedded. the location needs to be tracked down as well as what goes with the *99* and its proper location in relation to our leo roms.
I am on Verizon and have all messaging working through HTC messaging by doing the following:
Install the MMS Fix (Valkyrie) (attached) and let the phone reset
After phone comes back up, go to the messaging tab and click on "all messages"
Click on "Menu"
Click on "Settings"
Click on "Options"
Click on "Menu" again
Click on "MMS Server"
Click on "VZW"
Set the following:
Server Address:
http://mms.vtext.com/servlets/mms?X-VZW-MDN=(10 digit phone number)
Connect Via:
Send Limit:
1024 KB
WAP Version:
Then make sure that VZW is set as the default (it should be already from installing the MMS fix)
I used those steps and can send and receive all messages through HTC messaging.