I understand where you're coming from Primenall, but for every person that posts there are 10 people that dont. And we have all gotten PM's from people who have been members for a LONG time with only 2 or 3 posts who are afraid to post because of some of the responses they have seen. So I understand where you are coming from, believe me, but when members bash on each other for stupid posts ect. its usually not the members involved who stop coming to the site, it's the newbies who are watching in the background that decide they don't want to be on the receiving end of a rant. And don't take this the wrong way, I'm not singling you out at all, and as far as recent "incidents" go this doesn't even register on the scale, but I'm writing this in the forum and leaving it open for comment, bad title and all, because everyone needs to see this and all of us need to become a little more patient with people. Even if they do deserve it