02/13/10 - Updated - added an animated gif wallpaper. You can see the animation at the beginning of the vid
Here's an S2U2 theme I call Sektor. All credit goes to danilloOc for creating the original graphics. WVGA only, includes landscape, battery, and password screen. As with all my themes, for best appearance choose Time Format "option 3", then edit the TimeFormat in the registry as follows: h':'mmt - Anything else and the clock may appear off center.
The landscape image looks like crud since all I did was upsize an image. For the portrait image I pieced together and edited individual graphics, made color adjustments, etc. Of all my S2U2 themes it took the longest by far. I just didn't have the patience to do it again for the landscape wall.
Also, the colors don't look quite the same on my TP2 as they do in the screenshots. I don't think the TP2 renders gray very well. The theme looks more bluish/light grayish.
Zip file contains the gfx files as well as an S2U2 theme file.