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Old 02-02-2010, 12:42 PM
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Re: Motorola Droid on Cricket??

Originally Posted by alfredo-x View Post
no i haven't flashed one since i don't have one but yeah i have flashed other phones, and electronics, so i am assuming virtual port is either a program, or the cable you use to flash the phone. (sort of like how we us QPST to change settings on cdma phones), and i am pretty sure when you say ppp settings, it's something like the epst settings of our normal cdma phones that are supposed to always stay intact even if the phone is reflashed... but for some reason those settings are getting reset...
Wow you seem to have all the answers why did you even post a question. I hate reading your post there to long winded and have little worth. You are an angry little man and should learn how to respect people that try to help. Name calling and angry responses is related to how stupid i think you are. I just quoted this post because it was most recent but i am talking about all your posts. Maybe your not an idiot but com on be productive in what you write. Dont let shit bother you.

Any way has any body called cricket to see if they will accept a droid to be flashed. That could prove that it could be easily done.

Last edited by phullofphil; 02-02-2010 at 12:45 PM.
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