Originally Posted by cesium
I had a feeling that recmodding them might be needed
Oddly enough though, I redownloaded 28190 stock off xda, and it worked fine in mystery's kitchen but not OMJs (with no recmodding). Not sure what the issue is. Trying 24001 now!
EDIT: 24001 works too without recmodding! Not sure why OMJs kitchen is having troubles. I don't have more EXTs or OEMs in his kitchen, so I have no idea. Oh well, Mystery's kitchen will work for now, I hate recmodding
EDIT2: I think I figured it out. In visual kitchen, you need to set the SYS selection first, and then teh XIP. If done the other way around, it doesn't work properly.
not sure what u mean... but i know that in mytery kitchen the oem folder is recmodded and in omj (1.8 anyways) it not... so thats y u get too much modules.
but... theres also a good reason for not recmodding everything u can... some must stay as modules or u might loss performance not to mention u might have some issues...
so omj did the right thing by not recmodding all the oem folder just cuz i think no one is really sure what can be recmod and what not.