Originally Posted by ccdc15
It is a shame because I really like this phone. I wish they would acknowledge the problem and work towards a solution instead of ignoring it.
Although I have yet to have a button issue, I can sympathize with you. That being said, I wouldn't hold your breath for any sort of re-design on this device. Unfortunately, our relatively new toy went virtually unacknowledged thanks to the Droid frenzy and vzw's new interest in pushing the virtues of android-based devices. As a result, the imagio is not well-advertised, is only stocked at stores in certain locations, and thus have yet to sell enough units for anyone to give a damn.
Don't get me wrong, I think the imagio is and probably will be the premiere windows mobile phone on vzw for quite some time. For now though, as far as either VZW or HTC is concerned, we've got the strange red-headed stepchild.
(No offense to any strange red-headed stepchildren out there)