I know it might look like a daunting task to use the kitchen and build your own ROM, but it really is quite painless.
First make sure you downloaded two files. The first file is the kitchen itself and the second file holds the OEMs for the kitchen. You can find both files on the first post of this thread:
This is Helmi_C's kitchen, with alot of help from his friends.
Explode the first file and it will create the folder structure for you. It will also create a BuildOS icon on your desktop. Use this to access the kitchen. The second downloaded file goes right in the BuildOS folder and you are good to go.
The first thing to consider is what version of the bootloader you are running. If you dont know what this is the way you can find out is to put your 6700 into bootloader mode, which means hoild the power button and the voice record button at the same time and insert the stylus into the soft reset button at the bottom of the 6700. The screen will go dark. At the top of the screen will be the word SERIAL. At the bottom of the screen will be something like 2.02 or 1.04. Jot down that number.
Now hookup your 6700 to your PC with the USB cable. This will change the SERIAL designation to USB. Click on the BuildOS icon on your desktop and you have begun the process to cook your own ROM. You will notice that there are several drop down boxes at the top. Two of them are very important. One is the carrier drop down, which you need to pick Qwest. The second one is the RUU option. This drop down box directly relates to your bootloader version. If you have say version 2.02 you should pick standard. If you have 1.04/2.04/2.05 you should pick 04+.
Pick a few options you would like in your ROM and hit the green arrow at the top left. Follow the bouncing ball and in less than 15 mins you should have cooked your first ROM. Disconnect your 6700 from the USB cable, and then hard reset your 6700, this is done by holding down the left and right buttons, next to the OK and Windows Start buttons, and inserting the stylus again into the reset button. Follow the bouncing ball again and you will have booted your 6700 with your new ROM.
PM me if you have any other questions before you start. If you would like more personalized help you can try the chat forum here, or PM me with a number I can call you on so we can discuss this over the phone!
Its really simple....time to take the plunge!