Originally Posted by bg407
Thank you. With your prompting I fixed it. By accident I had disabled AGPS not realizing that it was required for connecting. All looks good now that I enabled it again, and no longer receiving the setsystimezone error message after installing appropriate cab. Thanks again for the help!!!
BTW, what is the purpose of installing the weather cab located where I got the setsystimezone cab? Is it needed to fix any issues in Version 2 of Twisted's ROM? Thx!
Are you talking the weatherwallpapermod.cab? Oh That is to make sure that you see the animated weather over your wallpaper but it is not necessary. It's really a sense 2.1 issue but If you ever install a theme and you notice that you no longer see the clouds pop up if it's cloudy or the sunlight etc, this cab helps it. On the topic of themes. There is an issue that some themes causes the start menu to become blurry especially if it changes the start menu icons, so be mindful of that before adding more customizations. Twisted is working on that on fixing this, so standby for future updates.