Originally Posted by accessing
I don't think any of these cabs affect your network issue, but I suggest you uninstall the cabs and reinstall one at a time. If by uninstalling the issue gets fixed then yes but the only time I ever came accross password & domain at the same time is when I am trying to use an exchange server which would need Activesync. Did you have this email already set up, or did you just created it? Did you put the right settings for the email?
How are you trying to update gps?
Also, doublecheck if the option in Location Settings is turned on. (Start>Settings>Location Settings)
Thank you. With your prompting I fixed it. By accident I had disabled AGPS not realizing that it was required for connecting. All looks good now that I enabled it again, and no longer receiving the setsystimezone error message after installing appropriate cab. Thanks again for the help!!!
BTW, what is the purpose of installing the weather cab located where I got the setsystimezone cab? Is it needed to fix any issues in Version 2 of Twisted's ROM? Thx!