Originally Posted by cubbieswin
I just installed OMJ's ROM from MightyROM. OMJ's ROM is sooooo much faster. Not dissing Mighty at all, but I couldn't use the internet on that ROM without wanting to throw my phone out the window.
Can I ask what you guys use as a file explorer on OMJ's ROM? The only thing I've found is the TotalCommander. Was that what was intended?
As an aside, how do you guys synchronize your phones so the you don't end up with a bajillion duplicates in your calendar, contacts, etc??
I use TotalCommander, nice and powerful and ugly.
When I sync my calendar/contacts using Activesync with Gmail, it doesn't duplicate anything. I'm not exactly sure why yours is duplicating things.
I totally agree on the awesomeness of OMJ's ROM. My girlfriend had a Touch Pro, and I installed Ski ROM, which is kinda like the Touch Pro version of OMJ's, awesome and well put together. Now she upgraded to a Touch Pro 2, and I can't find a good ROM on it for her. All of the name brand ROM makers like Mighty and NRG are there, but they spread themselves so thin between devices and versions of their ROMs. Using her Touch Pro 2 really makes me miss OMJ's (and Ski's) ROM.