Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
"disconnect after" setting on hdtweak caused this till i stopped using it. just a thought.
thanks for the input, however I have yet to download hdtweak to this ROM.. could be something else I have on mine..I have added Mighty lock, Mightycarbon clock (really like this because I can still tap and get the other clocks--it also cleaned up the digital clock image someone spoke of earlier, briggs audiopara3, psshutxp, brent g. blue sense slider, brent g blue sense slider add on, brent g contacts, music, comm mngr, settings icons ( this all looks awesome combo'd with the X ROM)..I know that you have animation on your home screen (with diff wallpaper)..I have to accomplish that.. Darren, thanks again for the help and thank you X for the ROM..