Originally Posted by Vancer
Could one of those issues be the alarm not repeating? Or has anybody noticed this? ... Alarm goes off at first no problem (for about 20 secs or so), then a silent pause, then starts to go off again and about half way through it's "sounding off" it just quits... doesn't repeat again after this. When i pick the phone up it still has the reminder in the title bar and the notification will come up on the screen but the alarm will not sound off again??? (21887 SYS btw)
Edit: Ok, this issue is apparently being caused by the manila locker... I turn it off the alarm works properly. I think it has something to do with the device re-locking after it is awakened by the alarm. There is no setting for this so do you know of a reg setting maybe?
yeah, that's probably it....I've also noticed if I'm connecting the phone to my pc to copy files, once the USB-to-PC screen is gone, the phone will suspend if u dont unlock.
Originally Posted by Vancer
Another thing I forgot to post...
On the internet tab when you hit favorites it launches the IE favorites menu which is fine b/c they still launch in Opera when you click them, but... if you have more favorites than fit on the screen you can't get to the ones at the bottom. You can scroll them up but then it pops back down and hides the last ones. I'm sure this is due to Sense being ported from 480x800 but I had a rom in the past that would actually let you pull them up and it would stop so you could select the very bottom favorites... but this may have been on a 2.1 rom rather than a 2.5 rom
Any ideas?
on my latest 1.6 rom, I can get to the bottom favs
Originally Posted by TREmp77
Tried a 28014 in the new kitchen 1.8 and sense isnt lined up right. It's too low, doesnt go all the way up to the taskbar, so the slider is cut off on the bottom. Did anyone else get that?
make sure u are selecting the modified manila for 6.5.3 in the tweaks section....u need this for position fix
Originally Posted by cesium
Thanks for the updated kitchen! Been messing around with the 28217 sys, hopefully it'll work properly  If it does, I'll be sure to upload it 
I grabbed 28217 too but I guess it also has the caller ID problem, so I'm staying away from that line of builds till it gets fixed.