Here is my favorite VGA 6.5.x SYS. I've found this to be one of the most stable and Memory efficient 6.5.x SYS.
I've Edited it to include the new Office and the new "Conversations" & Email Preview features:
VGA 28011Hybrid -Link Fixed-
Note: "Double check" (search the SYS) for the Icon Files... I may have deleted them to stop kitchenbuildrom.bat errors.
My fav, preset EXTs:
The EXTs -Link Fixed-
Applications - Arcsoft MMS sqIcons" -
Square Icons that go great with Tsowens 3.1.5
Multimedia - Album 3.0.1914.1129.0" -
With Media Toolkit
Phone Dialer and Canvas (2G - 3.0.1916.3532.2 ERom Theme by pyrorob)" -
Check it out. It's diesel and responsive. I added his ##codes update too.
Tweaks - Start Menu - Sc00b4s7eve - 4 Row Port&Land" -
edited files for 4/row in Portrait AND Landscape (also resized spacing, iconsize, and fontsize = more per page, bigger icons, smaller font)
SpbPocket+(4.1.0)edited.arm" -
This is only 1 of the features from SPB Pocket Plus: Save File To ANY Folder. Really useful when I want to save an email attachment. Plus... that's kinda one of the only dialogs it hijacks.
And a few more. All have worked well with TF3D2.1 and Sense2.1