Windows Live Mobile SUCKS! But, not the way you think ...
I have installed Windows Live Mobile (the email/messenger client) using the latest WM6 Kitchen onto my XV6700.
After doing some dedicated testing by adjusting the WLM settings, I have determined decisive one thing: Windows Live Mobile SUCKS .......... the life out of my battery!
All I do with WLM is check my single Hotmail account for email. I have tried checking my email every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes, and my resultant battery drain is huge.
For example, if WLM doesn't periodically check my email at all (set for Manual updates) I can run for over 12 hours before my battery life drops to 90%.
However, if I set my Hotmail email to be checked every 60 minutes, my battery life is down to 70% in about 5 hours. Don't even ask what happens if I set WLM to be updated as email comes in - it ain't very pretty!
I don't really know if this is truly a Kitchen problem, or WLM problem. I am posting this in the Kitchen Bug Report thread just in case it is a Kitchen problem.
I guess a good way to isolate where the problem is would be for someone running WM6 (on something other than an Apache) to monitor their battery life with WLM checking email periodically vs. WLM disabled. If it chews up the battery on another device, it is more likely to be a WLM problem and not the Kitchen.
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I'm afraid the holodeck will be society's last invention. - Scott Adams