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Old 01-30-2010, 05:31 PM
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Re: Touch Pro keyboard broke...kinda funny and ironic

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
Alright guys, I think this is kind of funny and ironic considering how everyone is trying to get the TP2 upgrade from a broken TP.

So my keyboard decided to crap out on me right when I got my touch pro to work beautifully with RootRom. Now, I now the TP2 is an awesome phone and all, but I wanted to stick with the TP. (I guess I kind of got used to everything about it, and I would rather have flash because I take a fair amount of pictures.) So I went to the Sprint store hoping they would just give me another refurb TP. To my surprise, they said all they could do is upgrade me to any Android device and the TP2! I asked if I could just get another TP and the repair tech basically said no!

While I was talking to me, he said he could order me a TP2 but it was going to be refurb. I asked him what came with the phone, and he said it only comes with the phone, no battery. He stated that the battery for the TP and TP2 are the same! I didnt know this for sure, but I was 90% sure they were different. So I decided not to take the offer and call Sprint because I thought the tech didnt know what he was talking about.

I called Sprint, and I guess the tech wrote a note that my phone needs to be replaced with a TP2, so the reps only offered me a TP2 and said that they can't give out refurb TPs....? Which I thought was weird since alot of members are being offered that.

Lol, so all in all, I think its pretty funny and ironic this happened. All I want is a TP! lol. Anyways, I'm thinking about going back to the Sprint store, because I really need a keyboard!

PS.....sorry for the novel.
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