Originally Posted by killerkhatiby009
Another thing i found is I cant run QuickGPS, i installed the cab and it says "The file 'QuickGPS' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists try reinstalling or restoring this file." Any ideas on how to fix it? Im not sure if its related, but I also cant seem to get a GPS Signal in any program on this ROM, other ROM's ive treid get about 7-10 satellites in a few seconds, this isnt getting any. Could be because I cant get quickGPS to run but GPS is a necessary feature for me, so any help would be appreciated.
go back a few pages. I just posted about this and Freeza answered. You need to also install the HTC Framework cab and HTC Streaming Media cab (I think)..Anyway, find the post..I did what Freeza said and all works fine now.