Originally Posted by snakey5138999
Cleaning my protector off today and my whole protector came off. Tried cleaning and reapplying, but the corners wont stick now..
Love how the OEM protector feels and how it applies. Bought cheapo ones off ebay and they are the garbage flimsy film ones and have the "orange peel" look, which looks like ish!
Want to know what protectors are closest to OEM or where i can buy an EXACT protector that came out from the box? Maybe someone has an OEM one that they didnt use and would like to sell???
If its just a small part of the corner, I'd suggest just cutting that part off and keeping it for now. I bought some phantom skinz and was dissapointed to find they were the soft flimsy ones instead of hard shields. I did not put either of them on, and just kept the stock one. I had to cut the cornerse near the bottom because they pealed up some, but it has been working fine since.