Originally Posted by chocmatic
do you know how to access the ADB shell command from the command prompt? I'm guessing that if you're rooted your able to do so. Here are the steps
1. go to your command prompt and access your phone using the adb shell command
2. go into superuser mode by typing SU
3. Input the following: mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
4. cd /system/app
5. ls (this will show the list of apps
6. looks for the file with cube in it...I don't remember the exact name off the top of my head
7. to remove it use the following command: rm -r ****.apk or *****.odex
hopefully that helps....if not sorry....I have had one TOO MANY DRINKS b4 typing this out.
was just going to post that i have no idea how to get the adb sorry im still learning here ( want to learn as well )
the rom maker linked me to this
once i learn how to open a ADB ill start to work