Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
ya, i was only answering part that i understood of that post, can you pm me exactly what "visual cues" are? im sure theres a non stock kb with bigger keys ect plus what you want cues wise(once i know what that is) im prettysure i can find what you want.
Darren -- I think he's referring to the "pop-ups" that occur when you tap a key on the virtual keyboard. Helps you see which key you've pressed (since your finger covers one or more keys when you're pressing them). For example, if you're trying to press "P", you could possible hit "O" or "P". Your finger might cover up most of one or more of the keys, but the visual cue displays an enlarged pop-up above the key that you've pressed. In this example, if you see the "P" pop-up, you know you've hit the right one.
The HTC touch visual comes with this feature in stock roms, but it's not working in the MALRom. Fingerboard is an add-on keyboard that supports this feature, but I like the HTC one better.