Originally Posted by yatman60
you might need to go into the winmo control panel and make sure the desired lock mechanism is selected.
Go to Settings > All Settings > Lock > The "Display" Tab > and then select the Windows Default as the lock screen. It might have been reset to Windows Classic when you made all the changes.
As a side note - I definitely am a fan of the DUSK lockscreen, HOWEVER, I have noticed that uninstalling it does seem to delete all the previous Windows lockscreen files and it seems to completely kill the slide lock. I sent an email to Grzegorz10 (the guy that created that lock screen) and here's what he said:
In your windows folder you will find 4 files
Copy and paste them to the folder in windows called Lockscreen and then do a SR that should correct things for you
Once you get it back to normal copy the whole lockscreen folder from windows to your storage card and you can easily always get it back. My lockscreen will not do this as it only changes image files. not cpr files.