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Old 01-29-2010, 05:03 AM
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Re: My Touch pro2 vs my Nexus on browser comparison

Originally Posted by bloodhound3785 View Post
Your post is so short sighted imo.

Your jumping the bandwagon to android. Not surprising there are a lot of ppl front running out there.

Google supports activesync. They use activesync to connect to exchange. They do not support all of the exchange features. There was a report published a few months ago that exchange has 29 or so features that google and apple dont even implement - either all or the vast majority. Some of which were security features. If i have time and can find it I definitely will post the link to it.

I am also curious what your daily job etc is.

What is your foundation for 2011 androids will rule the world? Even Gartner who does this for a living said they will gain market share but still be far behind Symbian.

What I would like to know is, how come no one talks about google and privacy violation? They index, catalog, data mine everything about you. Gmail (their apps, web robots, algorithms ) read your information and sell it to vendors. Google voice they convert your voice to text, data mine it and sell it. They forget to remove it from google search indexing and next thing you know everyones information is public information. Do you really think android is going to be anything different for them? Nothing is Free, especially not with GOOGLE.

For what its worth, Ive come across enterprise admins who have run android and laughed at it compared to RIM and Winmo.
it's late excuse my typos or grammar...
Originally Posted by tpeazy View Post
Ohhhhhh Kay. First let me say this. If you don't read your own replies, there is no way to reason with you. I only mentioned ATM machines and so on because you said that the only thing keeping WinMo going was PowerPoint etc...(you were way off on that one). Secondly yes, some of us have seen WinMo 7. Third, from your other post...Your rep shows you have been here a long time...I have been here longer and thru other means provided help to many members. I don't mind staying in the background and for certain reasons, I have to. Lastly, yes, I have seen, held and played with many devices, including Android devices. The Nexus is nothing compared to a few devices coming out in 2.5 months. You talk about it being more powerful then the TP2..well has a faster processor. Of course its faster. The nexus is not more powerful then the HD2 and not nearly as smooth as an HD2 with Sense 2.6 or running Titanium. That is an apples to apples comparison.

Anyhow, whatever floats your boat. All of these phones and their OS's will just continue to leapfrog each other. For the end user/consumer its a good thing because you get more for your buck.

my last reply in the "dispute" android vs winmo, there is a reason we are all waiting for winmo 7 (including myself) and that is because windows 6.anything is outdated compared to any os out there, thats the bottom line. I'm not doubting windows potential and i hope to god once winmo 7 hits, winmo will finally get the support from all the app makers and so forth, but until then the winmo 6 series is a completely outdated OS. now if someone wants to ask me anything i'm all ears but i'm not having a debate anymore. Once winmo 7 drops i'll be the 1st person in line to buy on whatever phone supports it.
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