Originally Posted by beluczywo
There is only Verizon where I live (never had Alltel). I picked up an Alltel 6800. After MUCH hassle, I found a rep who activated it -- not a bad ESN, no flags on my account. I got called 2 weeks later by a supervisor who told me they had to DE-Activate it. I was IRATE. I threatened to leave their service for good (20 year customer), I tried everything -- no dice -- that phone was getting de-activated no matter what. Some baloney about billing not working right even though minutes and calls showed on my account. Some more baloney about government regulation being the cause -- non-competes as they sell off parts of Alltel in monopoly areas (not my problem and not my area).
VZW is the most messed-up company I've ever done business with.
There's soo much BS in that paragraph that I agree with beluczywo, Verizon is a seriously messed up company.
Billing not working right? BS. That's their end, they can't blame the phone.
Government Regulation? Another BS shot. The phone is E911 compatible, which means it CAN be activated.
GPS? Oh ya.. It DOES have GPS, and it's quite good on Google Maps.
They just are picky about what phones are on THEIR network. I'm glad Alltel's still around here (Montana). I was able to pick up a TP for $99 after a $100 rebate. I gave my trusty Titan to my wife.