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Old 01-28-2010, 04:05 PM
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I think my phone got Y2K10

Let me tell you, my i910 has been acting worse and worse since new year, I think it got Y2K10, I'm serious, I've had all sorts of problems and before this year rarely did something go wrong.
One of the biggest things is that once I hang up after a call I have to exit out of the screen that shows the call info, if I put it to sleep first, or just leave it to fall asleep on its own, when I wake it back up it will be locked up on that same call info screen and I'll have to reset it.
Even if that happens and it wakes up on its own cause it's ringing, it wont display who is calling or even let me answer using the send hard key. It just keeps showing the last call screen with the person I was talking to and call time and such.

Another thing is right at midnight on 1/1/10 it created a new picture folder and changed my camera setting to save and look for pictures in the new folder, at first I thought it had deleted all my pics till I figured that out. Anyone else's do that?