Originally Posted by cantcme68
Its looking more and more like Custom roms are not for me  Although they have the latest and greatest they also have many many bugs. I don't think the pros out weigh the cons. Id like to flash and go maybe a few reg fixes or fix it cabs but it seems like such a headache to "flash into the unknown" at least with the stock rom you know everything works the way it is supposed to work rather then being in a show off contest with an Iphone user and be made to look like a fool when you can't do something you should be able to do.
Bro this is a VERY loaded up ROM with Sense 2.5.......It is going to be tricky to use and buggy. Yes the fixes are sometimes a pain, I agree...BUT...stock sucks, period. If you want something custom and fast, yet less buggy...try a sense 2.1 model of EnergyROM, keep in mind it is still a loaded ROM with lots of bells and whistles but has the more stable Sense 2.1. OR if you just want to be more like stock just not so bland and HTC green with a little more speed try MightyROM Official build with Sense 2.1. it is a bare ROM built to mimic stock yet with eye candy,performance and stability increased from just the plain ol' stock ROM. This seems more like what you are looking for. NRG builds his ROMs on the edge, loaded up and customized from bottom up, and does not have provisioning so the fixes are going to be manual to suit carrier differences. The dude cooks 4 or more ROMs for something like 8 devices....SOOOO...he does leave some of the work in getting it running the way we want, is up to us. These builds are more friendly for users like myself who actually like tweaking, changing...and sometimes messing up & fixing, and so on.
Don't give up bro and don't look back.....Custom is the only way.
Originally Posted by soundmanmike
I have been using the Jan2 23518 Standard ROMnd it works great, right up until the point where it locks up. I have reinstalled it and done the usual. Very minimal on the installed cabs. Mainly Santods 16 quicklinks mod. But it usually locks up after sliding the unlock tab left or right or in text msgs. Its funny since the 1922 version stuff (last month or so) came out I am getting many more goofy lock ups. Is that what everyone else is seeing?
I ran the same build for a day with out doing anything other than loading contacts and appts from MS MyPhone..... Ran awesome for the most part....then suddenly lock up after lock up while surfin and textin off and on in the eve. I reflashed and full flash danced and it will still lock up at random (usually at a bad time with my luck). MM 23518 was the same way. Been runnin the 21889 from the 20th and have had two lockups total in two days. gettin ready to flash to the 21889 Standard build from the 25th. I agree with num5kull, the 23518 and MM builds seem to be more plagued if you scour over the last few weeks of pages. Quesstion to those runnin the satndard 21889...... Windows Live???? Could not get Hotmail on 23518 Standard from 20th or 25th. None of Windows live would work. I dl a new copy from the marketplace and it fixed it on the 20th build but not on any of the three 23518 builds (20th, 25th stand. & MM). I even tried all the posted "fixes" disabled sense, stood on my head, sacrificed a goat to the MS gods and all kinds of other trickery to no avail......

How is it on the 21889 builds from the 25th???