Re: |R|6.5.5|WWE| ★ Energy "Leo" 23518/21889 |Jan 25| ★ Sense 2.5 / MaxManila ★
Originally Posted by xSD
I've had this problem with every NRGZ ROM. It's the only thing that bugs me. His latest and greatest is SUPER smooth on my phone. I can do whatever I'd like without anything slowing down or freezing up and my MMS works with Disable HTC Messagingand the MMS Fix. BUT, this SMS lockup issue makes me flash back to stock EVERY time. I'm a heavy SMS user, both send and receive so having to soft-reset 10's of times a day results in annoyance and missing out on those incoming text messages  .
I agree. These ROMs have run great for me aside from a few hickups. I dont get as many texts so I dont have to reset too much which makes it bearable for me.
Running OMJ 2.3.3 with Sense 2.1 Rom for Evo.
What will YOU do with first?!