Originally Posted by Musicman247
This is me, but not because of WM programs, but because I would have to change plans to get an Android phone, so it's WM for me!
I have heard multiple times that sero will not apply to any wimax phones so you are looking for a rare phone. Snapdragon, non wimax, winmo. Do you really think sprint will let sero users paying as low as 30.00 a month or lower in some rare cases have access to unlimited data on wimax? I dont.
I ditched my sero plan last month for the family plan with 4 members and my discounts I am paying less then I was with Sero and have access to all phones. $27.98 a month.
That said for the love of god can someone please allow us winmo fans to run winmo on android devices. They can do it the other way, please pz pz pz someone. I am no where near the ability to do this.
I am likely going Palm anyway and I read that Palm should be releasing a larger device this year for its webos. If they pulled this off I would be stoked as they should have full flash support in february, multi tasking, and to me the best UI on the market. Till then I am holding on to my old touch rocking 6.5