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Old 12-31-2007, 06:16 PM
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Originally Posted by tangelo699 View Post
As a previous 6700 poweruser, an individual who maintains friends Moguls and a current Touch user, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "a phone to play with". With the proper soft keyboard installed (user personal preference) such as sbp's fullscreen keyboard, I actually type faster than I did with my 6700 and there is no sliding of hardware (a wear item) to accomplish this.

Wifi is a MUST HAVE, a SO SO, or a not needed item depending on a user's individual requirements. I have wifi setup at home and at my office. However, when at home, why would I surf the net on a 320x240 screen when I have my 24" widescreen sitting there on my much faster home PC. At work, we sit behind an Microsoft IAA server which requires a proxy connection and other configurations in order to connect to the net (a real pain in the a$$ to constantly modify).

My EVDO connection gives me all the freedom and speed (over the internet) that I require and can be used in alot of places. RevA will increase that capability and further dimish the need for wifi. Which, oh-by-the-way, uses yet another radio on the already power stressed Mogul.

I run all of the programs that I use to run on the 6700, plus many, many more and still have memory to spare. This allows for concurrent use of money management programs for expense accounting, GPS navigation with Iguidance, push email, threaded sms, adgenda control and management and voice notifications all running together with approx. 73mb storage and 57mb program memory still available on this "phone to play with".

Do that on the Mogul and you will have me convinced! Until than...consider me "Touched".
Like I said too each his own, all my friends whove tried the mogul have hated it because its lack of wifi, some people cant afford the extra 15 bucks a month for internet when they can connect for free with wifi at a hot spot for occasional use, some people dont wanna constantly wipe fingerprints off their screen after typing a text, or email, they like the comfort of a hard keyboard, I happen to love the 6800's form factor, actually reccomended the touch to a friend because I knew someone who would of sold it to him for 150 bucks, because he didnt wanna shell out alot of money for a phone, after having it for one day and hating it, the guy kindly returned my friends money and he went out and bought a 300 mogul, and has no complaints, the fact is I use my phone for work all the time, and the Touch would not meet my needs, the Mogul does.
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