01-28-2010, 01:16 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Leo" (23016) ★ |SOON| ★Latest Manila 2.5!★ |
Originally Posted by ace10134
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)Flashing Guide:
More Info on the ROM's and the Versions:
Keyboard Symbols Don't Work / Home Key opens Start Menu!! / Button Mappings! - Verizon - Install and Restart the phone! (Thanks for the ROM dump info)
- Sprint/Telus - Install , and Restart your phone! (Thanks to for the ROM dump info)
MMS Fix- First, you must Disable Manila Messaging.
- Then, just install the correct MMS fix:
- Verizon - Install
- Sprint - Install
A possible, different, better, but ---in progress--- solution can be seen HERE.
(CityID) Provisioning Network Selector appears after every Soft Reset! - If you do this before selecting anything in the Provisioning, then City ID will work- Open File Explorer (Start -> Tools -> File Explorer)
- Navigate to \Windows\StartUp, and delete Provisioning.lnk!
Opera Mobile Fixes - Make Opera Mobile default and enable auto-rotation with the G-Sensor:
- Only make Opera Mobile default:
- Only enable auto-rotation with the G-Sensor for Opera:
Time Zone Issues- Go to Start -> Settings -> Clocks & Alarms
- Set the time zone to whatever you need!
Notification Light blinks to infinity!!!- Install first
- And then go into Start -> Settings -> Sounds & Notifications -> Notifications (tab), and now you can set the notification light options!!
ActiveSync Issues (23504 Version)- Go to Start -> Settings -> Connections -> USB to PC
- Uncheck the last, "Ask me first about USB...." box
- Make sure the "ActiveSync (Sync with Outlook)" bubble is filled in.
- You may need to restart the phone for ActiveSync to start working)
GPS Doesn't Connect After flashing any ROM, GPS can take a while to lock for the first time.
Enable AGPS to assist it: Start -> Utilities -> Tweaks -> Advanced Config, scroll down to and click GPS, then click on Assisted GPS, and using the drop-down menu at the bottom, Enable it. Do the Soft Reset when it prompts you to, and then your GPS should fix faster!
Also, make sure to use the HTC GPSTool, found in Start -> GPS. That will help the GPS to lock faster.
Once you do that, open Google Maps (Or your GPS program), go to Menu -> Use GPS (check the option), and then let your phone sit for 10 minutes or so. Remember, GPS doesn't work well in big buildings. Enjoy!
Marketplace doesn't work (Sprint) - Just install ! (Restart may be required) (Thanks!)
Stock Applications- Sprint - TeleNav l SprintNav l Sprint NFL Mobile l Post others in this thread, and I'll add them!
- Verizon - l Post other stock CAB's, and I'll add them!
If you'd like, you can move this post to the front page, beneath NRG's posts. I manage NRG's FAQ post on the GSM thread, so I'll gladly provide the same quality FAQ's here, and it'd be great if it was right beneath NRG's posts on the first page. Your choice!
Originally Posted by NRGZ28
When is the last time this was updated? I like this ROM builder the best due to the flashy nature and frequent updates However....I don't want to have to fish through 700+ post to find fixes for bugs and fixes for things that have already been resolved. I shouldnt see 75 different fixes for MMS there should be a fix that is confirmed to work on the first page of this thread. If there is an issue with SMS after the fix then that means its not a fix it just creates another bug. I want to load this ROM because it looks NICE but I also what to know what things I will need to do after to make it work without any hiccups. Please Please give me a one stop shop for things to do after flash to get everything working.