Originally Posted by xpressyourcell
When dealing with an image in Photoshop, it is important to save OFTEN! Lost a 40+ layer file today because it crashed when I tried to go full screen!.
Dude, that really sucks but you'll never make that mistake again.
I have used PS for years (I used to have a Pro Photography business) & I learned that lesson the hard way myself years back.
PS layers get
REAL BIG, REAL QUICK & when the scratch disc's fill up you are always in danger of it freezing up (especially if you don't have a "super computer") Those huge multi-layered PS files can bring just about any computer to its knees real quick. I use a quad-core setup with 4 gigs of RAM & four 15,000 RPM SCSI hard drives for PS work & even that's barely enough at times.......