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Old 01-28-2010, 08:42 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} MM 2.9 IS HERE!!! SO MANY OPTIONS, Manila 2.51922

Originally Posted by lilo5858 View Post
how do i change the walpaper?? i used HDwalls and all i get is a black walpaper in the "B" setting..i don't even know where is my hdwall wallpaper that i have installed on the device.i don't see it in the today setting or anything,i also tried changing the wallpaper from personalized/hometab wallpaper/weather wallpaper.and selected a wallpaper from there but still no luck

I'm using EnergyRom 1/25 wit maxmalina cooked in.
are you building your own hdwalls? if so what setting are you using...
are you using hdwall cabs posted on site? if so which one as an example

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