Re: Upgrading from vogue on Bell network
YA even if you were to illegally clone your phone onto a diamond i think bell will not like to see your ESN, which is registered as a vogue, being transmitted by diamond hardware.
NOW... i would suggest if you can afford to actually purchase the diamond to go with Pay As You Go. With a WM phone you can get unlimited txt and 'mobile browser' with the Bell Fun20 pay as you go for only $20/m. That's what i use and it's great. (of course i don't actually talk on the phone, just use it for the 230kbps download data and txt)
btw, Sorry for posting the bell advertisement gang, just don't want to see anyone up for fraud charges!
Pushing the limits of things I can afford,
past the point of things i can't afford...
If a was able to help you in any way please click the THANK'S button. 
Last edited by edgarpoe; 01-27-2010 at 11:07 PM.
Reason: remembered something else...