Originally Posted by Deviant06
Hey guys, I used to use an Apache 6700 and it was my introduction into smartphone modification. I flashed it, rewrote the os and put wm6.1 on it, and I loved how I could modify everything I wanted. I also really enjoyed the touch screen and slide out full qwerty keyboard. My screen broke and I lost my job a while back so I didnt replace the screen and ended up canceling my service. I now have a great job and am looking into a new phone. I am very partial to HTC. I want to know what you guys think is the VERY best phone. I prefer touch screen and a full slide out keyboard. I don't know if I want it on WM or andriod, but both would be nice. I was looking into the HD2, HTC Droid, or possibly the touch pro 2? I just want a phone that does data and media well, including bluetooth, music, vids, internet, and apps. I also want it to be good with customizing and modification. Whats your take guys? Price isnt such a big deal, I just want to know the best phone to buy, the top 3 maybe. thanks for the help!
good at data, media, fast fast fast?? I say the HTC Supersonic that is scheduled for March at Sprint
I you want a keyboard then id say the Droid, the keyboard isnt the best, but Android + the ARM Cortex CPU makes up for it
At this point in time id stay away from buying a TP2 signing contract cuz the CPU was outdated to begin with and you will kick yourself when the 1GHZ Devices roll out in the next couple of months and they will get all the WM7 upgrades and such