Originally Posted by GIZELLE
Careful-dont play with "it" too much-you'll go blind-at least that's what I've been told

Nano rocks! Literally. It is a Grooveshark replacement as per ahuskins. Included is an unlimited 5 minute demo, you do have to sign up for it to get full access. It will work with Grooveshark and pull your playlists. Havent played-er used it to much myself.
Originally Posted by shred_head
how do you get back the original kind of home screen on 2.5 in this rom....as well as the original 4 icon start menu...thanks....LOVE THE LANDSCAPE
Sounds like you are on Sense 2.1? Different, yet awesome animal than 2.5. MaxManilla mod is a 2.5 mod. I assume you were asking about that?
Originally Posted by HotSauce
That did the trick, thanks.
I'm seeing a serious decline in performance of the ROM. This seems to be happening to me after a month or two of usage after flashing a new ROM. It's quite disappointing, it seems like my phone just breaks down. Random lag spikes, both Opera browsers crashing, random dials, sluggish at times and processes where it hasn't been sluggish in the past, etc. I don't know why, but the stability and performance of every ROM I flash GREATLY declines after a couple months of usage.
I'm just looking for that one ROM that will stay fast and stay stable for an indefinite period of time and usage. The last one I can remember that was like that was one of the old MightyRoms. I guess I have no choice but to keep flashing.
One of my major complaints would be the compatibility and consistency, sometimes with developer apps. To explain, I'll get a text with a phone number and I want to save that number. So I click it, and it just dials it. But in other instances when clicking a number it will open up options like saving the number to contacts. So then I copy the number from the text and head over to create a new contact, but I can't paste in the HTC new contacts boxes.
Or with Opera 10 when you type text in any bar such as the URL, it is TREMENDOUSLY slow. When you type a letter it will take maybe a full second to see it on the screen. I also get errors saying I need more memory, when that's the only application open. What's even worse is the older version of Opera just straight crashes and sometimes even freezes the whole phone.
Or in SMS-Chat, the keyboard Swype doesn't work in it for me. SMS-Chat itself has also started acting up for me. Adobe Reader loads very slow every time I pan from side to side. Just so many weird issues where it seems all of these great custom things we have going on, don't want to work together. In general that is my only complaint with this phone, or these custom ROMs. I love customization, but speed and stability comes first and foremost for me. Maybe I should've bought an iPhone. 
Glad that worked for you. The Opera lag is gone with the latest build-it was an issue with Beta2 vs Beta 2u. As for your other issues-dont know, I flash so much that I dont spend months on one build.
If those performance issues span multiple ROMs it could be something like file corruption on your SD card but that is a bit of a guess.
Originally Posted by LayLay
I've dl the new sense 2.1 and I'm not able to see MMS on this. Any suggestions?
Can you be more specific? Mo MMS issues here, different build but Messaging should be the same.
Can you not send/receive MMS?