General HTC Touch Noob Questions
I really like my Touch, I've had it for a few weeks now, but I haven't really customized it at all. I'm trying to figure basic things like:
If I cut a ringer in Audacity, and save it in WAV format, how do I save it to the right folder to sync it, and how would I open it up on my phone?
Also, general things like downloading programs (like that ROM posted recently)... is there a basic guide to dl-ing, opening, syncing, getting it on to your phone?
I sorta need an "HTC Touch for Dummies" book. I don't plan on getting too high tech with my phone, but I'm tired of feeling like a dumbass. I just want to know how to put ringers I make (I know how to work Audacity) and software I download onto the phone. Basic things put in basic terms. Thanks!