Originally Posted by ivwonka
I too have had this problem since stock 6.1 and I've tried lots of roms with manila 2.1 or 2.5 and it always takes several minutes to start playing a song. I have about 6 gigs of only mp3. The sd card works great for everything else, I can't see how that would be the culprit and wmp and nitrogen play instantly. I have just always had to disable the music tab and map wmp to a fast icon. So you are not alone!
I am not sure if its a bug or not, it seems like manila is trying to read all the files first before playing the songs which might explain why it takes so darn long. Any fix for this?
And for the fanboys, yes, most likely I will switch to some other phone, either the next iphone 4G or Nexus One or something something similar. I'm just waiting for all the new phones to roll out which will probably take a couple months. So for the time being, its the TP2 and Sprint.