Thanks so much! My 6700 runs like a champ now! I have not seen anything that would indicate that there is a bug with the new AKU or the custom ROM. I have sent SMS messages and e-mail (using Exchange push), made many calls, and even played a game or two of Pac Man! The Bluetooth modem worked great with my laptop too (86k @ 1X).
Here is what I have installed...
PhoneAlarm (main memory)
Pocket Diary and Pocket Plus (main memory)
Pocket Weather (main memory
NewsBreak (SD card)
eWallet (SD card) - couldn't live without this one!
SKTools (SD card)
Spb Backup
Windows Live Search (SD card)
Resco Explorer and registry (SD card)
Pocket Informant (SD card)
Some of the posted registry tweaks that are posted and included with SKtools.
I did notice that the phone run about 20% faster (response with file browsing and screen response) after the initial upgrade and tack on another 20% after I edited the registry with the posted tweaks.
The only bad thing to come out of this is my initial BT headset response. After a reset or a period of non-use, my headset is slow to respond. It would pick up before the call would ring on an outgoing call prior to the upgrade. Now it will not pick up until the call connects and the other line starts to ring for a second time. Not a big deal at all but just something that I thought that I should mention. Overall, I LOVE IT!! Can't wait for the next one!
My suggestions:
1.) A collection of registry tweaks.
2.) .NET? Not a show stopper for me but I see a few folks asking for it.
3.) My Sprint logo..

In my neck of the woods, Alltel is the debil!
4.) The Palm SMS add-in? I'm about to try it for the first time but it seems something that everyone would like to see. Shame on MS for leaving it out in the first place!
Thanks again Mike!