Originally Posted by omahajs
Thanks Root. Looking at your download section this is the only one I see that says start menu on bottom - ( NEW ) RootRom21_0123_21889 Sense 2.1 - Weather on home tab, BG4All. FULL landscape, Office 2010 and calendar with Day, month and agenda view. 32 Shortcuts on Programs tab. Start Menu on Bottom. Google Voice apps and Skyfire Multimedia Web Browser.
Is this the newer build with dusk theme you're talking about?
Typo on my part. Sorry
When I updated the rom I forgot to change the info.
I will try to get a NEW 23518 2.1 rom done soon.
Have so many roms going and I thought I had a 2.1 with Start Menu on bottom.
Will get one up.
All roms marked Dark are the Dusk themed roms.