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Old 01-26-2010, 05:50 PM
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Re: Windows Mobile 7 to ressemble the Zune HD!

Originally Posted by chappy View Post
How hackable is the Zune right now? It also runs on silverlight and .net.

Hell, how hackable is a Samsung WinMo phone for that matter? It's one company that makes WinMo phones that's let this community thrive. HTC. Look at the upcoming amount of Android phones HTC is putting out, compared to WinMo. That alone should serve as some sort of gauge.

I think WinMo is finally dying, and it makes me very sad, as I've had WinMo forever, but I just don't see 7 being anything like the previous versions, hacking included.
I don't know how hackable a zune is. Probably anyone that would care to hack one already has a Windows Mobile phone they hack up.

Samsung phones are very much hackable though and people flash cooked ROMs to their Samsung Windows Mobile phones. Don't think for a second it is limited to HTC phones, it's not.