Originally Posted by drrohit81
Ok nice...
Enjoy your WM platform...
To each his own.
but think about it why is WM losing it real bad if it has such awesome features that you just described!
I think that is what defines a successful OS plateform(which Apple and android have!)
Though i agree i would have thrown TP2 out of window..if it was not for SBP shell... it rocks man!
The reasons Windows Mobile is losing market share are:
#1: Marketing. When is the last time you saw a Windows Mobile commercial? There are probably 1000 iPhone commercials for every 1 Windows Mobile commercial on tv (at least in the USA).
#2: Pricing. The iPhone is only $200. Everyone knows this. The Touch Pro 2 costs around $350. You can get it for $200 on Verizon, and Verizon stayed sold out for over a month when they first released it. And this was with no advertising whatsoever, and no stores even had a demo unit to show customers.
#3: Data pricing. When the first iPhone was released, the data plan was cheaper than on any other smartphone. It costs the same now, but they got everyone onto contracts with that cheaper data plan (and contracts are required on all new iPhone plans on AT&T).
#4: AT&T's aggressive sales. I actually had AT&T up until a couple months ago when I switched to Sprint. I used to get bill inserts all the time offering me an iPhone for $25 if I would sign a contract extension. And this was before I was even eligible for upgrade pricing on any other phone. I doubt I am the only one who got these inserts, and I am pretty sure they resulted in plenty of iPhone sales.
NONE of that stuff ever happened on ANY Windows Mobile device (at least in the USA). And whn you look at it- just any ONE of them would probably be anough to help iPhone sales. But ALL of them combined are surely enough to have a huge impact on sales.
I won't even get into all the idiots just buying iPhones because it's now the "cool" phone to have (it's the new RAZR). But it became the "cool" phone because of the 4 reasons I listed.
It's hillarious how many idiots said stupid things like "I don't care about copy and paste anyway. I don't need it." And then when they got copy and paste, they acted like their phone was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I suspect that same thing will happen when the iPhone is able to watch a slingbox using the internet.