Originally Posted by eddieyee
Can someone help me with the version numbers of the energyroms? I was running "EnergyROM_28005_HERMAN_27.Nov.2009_Standard" for about a month and a half and in general it was working great for me, however I recently downloaded "EnergyROM_21889_HERMAN_18.Jan.2010_Standard" and overall it's okay, but it definitely has horrid battery life in comparison to the 28005. Can someone else confirm the battery life issues of 21889 and/or possibly suggest a fix?
Also, can someone please give me a brief synopsis of the version numbers? ie. In November I downloaded 28005, but now the latest in that series is 21889... What's the deal?
The first few days
• There is nothing special about this ROM to make it use more power than other ROMs except that it is tweaked for performance over battery life. After things have settled down, you should get a couple of days usage out of a charge.
• Immediately after flashing, you will probably observe very poor battery performance. This is due to the charging circuit having to reset itself.
• The battery meter will not settle down and give accurate readings for a few battery cycles. Give it a few days.
• For the first few battery charging cycles, try to charge to 100% with phone off and then allow battery to drain down quite a bit before recharging. This is so the meter will calculate drain well.