Originally Posted by brownhornet
Well considering the fact that more and more companies are picking up the iphone for use, i'd have to disagree. BTW, there is an app that pretty much lets you do anything you can do with microsoft office and the files are fully compatible. Again, i'm not trying to bash winmo but but the bottom line is they have just fallen too far behind technology wise to keep my interest. They basically tried to put lipstick on a pig for too long and now they're scrambling to have to try to catch up when they had such a big headstart on everyone else.
Having both, the ONLY advantage the tp2 has IMO is the fact that you can flash roms.. but considering out of the millions of these devices sold probably less than 10% even do that, its not a great selling point. The keyboard could be a plus, but even with my tp2 I almost never use the slideout keyboard especially after I got swype... and the on screen on the iphone works great for me.. not to mention speech to text.
The ONLY advantage? Uh, I would think slingbox, tethering, and multi tasking would be huge advantages for most people. Heck, just having the freedom to install whatever apps you want. And you don't have to "jail break" (or flash a ROM) a Windows Mobile phone to do any of those.
I know you've been hating on Windows Mobile on these forums for a while. It was only a matter of time before you got an iPhone. But I'm sure the honeymoon will wear out eventually and you'll most likely move on to Android.