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Old 01-26-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: ROM 1-26-10 Twisted BeginsV2 Sense 2.5 build 21876

Originally Posted by twisteddan View Post
I plan on updating the album soon. I just wanted to make sure everything was stable before I add too many new things and break it again. I've spent a lot of time rebuilding the kitchen because I started playing with something I shouldn't have.......................You know what they say...........If you keep playing with that thing you'll go blind!.....LOL
This one worked on the first one. It allows you to upload to facebook. If you had open the album that is on this rom before then you must use fdc taskmanager to close Album searcher.exe or else you won't be able to install it.

Twisted I'll try your updated version when I get home. Not able to access 4shared at work
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File Type: cab HTC_Album_+_SocialNetworksEngine[1].cab (1.44 MB, 18 views) Click for barcode!
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