Originally Posted by apaquette0069
Love the Colored Stickers one!!!!!! thanks alot, I happened to fins the site from witch that set come from and was wondering if you would be able to look at this site http://tp2.bfgreenberg.com/tp2more.htm and look at " Ultimate Icon Pack" and the "Contacts, World Clock and Music" icon sets . What i was wondering is if you would be able to, and only if you have the time to do it, is to possible update the cab files found on that pag so that they would work with manaila 2.5.1922???? I have tried everything to try to make it work but i am having no luck!!! Thank you very much man!!!! if you need anything tested just post it here or pm me and i will give u any details !!! thanks again, and take care
Originally Posted by tjmontan
+1 on that idea..I would love to see this along side of your awesome sliders..I am using David Morley's 7 PPC rom ( he gives you much love on the sliders for his ROM)..I told David about the same site as I can not get the contact icons etc to work on his ROM either..thanks in advance
I honestly don't have the time to do icon sets. Sliders are time consuming enough. I need to spend time working to pay bills as well
I am sure that brent will start making sliders/icon sets for 2.5.1922
The reason why the icon sets wont work with .1922 is because when HTC updated manilla they completed changed the file names for the manilla files. In order to make a .1922 icon set you will have to use cfcgui and extract the .1922 manilla files for the icon set. Once you extract them you will need to use mode9 to convert them to png. Using an image editing program you can then create custom icons and save them as the respective pngs from the mode9 files you converted. Then use mode9 to convert them back to qtc files (manilla files you got from cfcgui).
Its late an I am rambling. I am going to write a tutorial on changing icons and such. I have been meaning to do a tutorial but I am a procrastinator and the tutorial will take time. The classic "it will take a while and I wont stop till its done so I will put it off".