Originally Posted by anthony67
I expected changes in the UI in appearance. Flashing in Winmo, even with a hard reset didnt take long with PIM backup....I could get it done in about 30 minutes. Yes...this was much easier but I was speaking of the look of the UI.
This is 1 big difference in android from winmo... there is no spb shell, no pointui, no android kid, no mutiple tf3d ui's, no IPhone clone (well there is 1 of those) when u flash, because you can already change the ui to the way you want the ui to look, now if your wanting a new spin on the ui..
try gde, or open home, panda home, AHome, but to me there all the same, some give you cabniets/drawers, that are like live folders but instead of the file opening and u scrolling the file the widgets slide open to allow you to slide through the apps you place in the drawer... personally GDE gives me the biggest change in the overall UI look with its cube interface.. you can find it in the market or over at XDA