Originally Posted by chardog
Wirelessly posted (Sprint/1.0/HTC_Touch_Pro2_T7380 Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en))
bugs list
- favorites pulled from IE instead of opera. this affects home page and internet page.
- htc messaging seems buggy, even with elephant fix. froze my phone few times. hitting sms dont do anything, but work around is to slide to sms tab.
- weather animations laggy and freezes phone occassionally while multitasking. solved with calukins' cab on his rom page.
- core plays the right way, but fullscreen flips video opposite direction
1. i dont use the internet tab but i will look into migrating settings for it to opera
2. i dont have problems with htc messaging (probly due to the fact i have max manilla installed so some of my manilla files have been changed)
3. agian using max manilla
4. fix for that is below ur post (thats not a bug just personal preference)