Originally Posted by Riptide9
I am on Sprint and this is what I did. These steps were posted by skydiverjeff and these are the exact .cabs I used to make it finally work
1. Flash to STOCK
2. Install ROM (23518_20.Jan.2010_StandardM2.5_MaxManila)
3. Wipe Phone
4. Install HTC messaging disable cab (Disable HTC Messaging 1.2.CAB)
5. Soft reset
6. Install latest and greatest Arcsoft (MMS Fix (M2.1) (Sprint).cab)
7. Soft reset
8. Enjoy...Messaging working fine.
It was the only thing I couldn't get working so now I am very happy!!
I hope it works for everyone one Sprint - Good Luck
why in the world would you flash back to Stock??????????????
guys guys guys. i have never ever ever ever ever (did i say ever??) had any problems on any rom using the method that i've posted about 10 times in this thread (wait, not true, one of MMs roms wouldn't take the fix).
i know you guys have a woody for htc messaging but why? it's not that great. and all this talk about it has bored me to death.
for us sprint guys, it's easier stop trying to do the hybrid crap, get rid or htc messaging (by installing the zenyee cab), install arcsoft sprint 128c (which sets all the correct server settings and changes sending size to 1000kb), soft reset and move on. done, over.
now thank me and move on. geez guys..