Originally Posted by Israel
Ultimately what I did was:
1.) Flash " SprintTouchProMR2.01.651.6" form boot loader screen
2.) Let the Sprint Rom do its thing. (which originally I didn't, I just went ahead and flashed w/o letting the automatic set up take place)
3.) Through active sync I flashed " MaxRootRomComboGV0122_23518" instead of from Boot loader which I had done previously.
I don't know what difference any of this made, but the ROM seems OK so far. I'll check it all day Saturday and see whats up.
Thanks ROOT, for the ROM's.
Actually it never worked. I ended up installing a different ROM all together (NRG) and it worked, but I'd rather run a Root Rom so I checked back today and noticed MaxRootRomComboGV0125_23518". So I'm downloading and hoping this runs well on my phone.
I'll post back later and tell how this goes.